Thursday, November 17, 2022

How Many Shallow Graves Are Actually Around Washington? : Who Would Know? ''The Fixer?''

 What has to be the best person to tell this story is Hillary Clinton and it stated with Vincent Foster back in the days of Bill and Hillary romping through to landscape of Arkansas when Bill was governor. 

Hillary was the ''clean up'' person who followed behind Bill when he was through with one of his conquests to make sure the results of Bill escapes never saw the light of day.

Vincent Foster supposedly committed suicide in the park because he was on depressant medication, but the truth? he was gay and the Cantons found out and believed that would not look good while she was trying to cover up the ''Travel Gate and Furniture Gate'' mess they crated to enrich themselves but was  became a national disgrace!

Foster never saw it coming!! ''The Fixer'' Was born!

Hillary Clinton after this mess was known as ''The Fixer'' 
as she was used to fix the leaker Seth Rich! She was seen
as a master of ''clean up! Oh, and Epstein? Yikes!

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