Monday, November 14, 2022

The Red Wave Crashed On the Shore But With Litte Damage : Big Cites Dodged A Socialist Bullet!!

 This is one of the biggest lies that the Marxists make, even though all of their other lies are just as real, but not a destructive as this one! 

Look no further than all across the country in 2020 the looting and burning of cites, the killing of innocent people, the billions of dollars in damages. 

But now, after Tuesday's election, they have decided to not burn and kill what's left of the population because they didn't get the outcome they wanted. Never fear though they are still there, and the justice system is ready and willing to support their hateful crusade for domination of civil society if needed!!

Remember the great take away from the ''summer of love'' in 2020 where those good people of ANTIFA and BLM fame rampaged through the streets leaving total destruction and death because society wasn't awarding them a large enough victim hood?

As the saying goes, '' The Marxist democraaats would kill the golden goose just to have a chance to feed on the dead carcass''!

Major cites prepared for the worst from Marxist democraaats
if the election didn't turn out like they wanted.

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