Friday, November 18, 2022

Biiyden Explains How We Settle Problems In America? : Logically and Peacefully!!?? (2020?)

There isn't anything he could say that makes any sense because he is not well, he is mentally ill but doesn't know it. (But the Russians and Chinese know it!!) 

How about the Summer of Love in 2020 where the democraaats, ANTIA and BLM burned half of our major cities the country down, killing dozens and destroying more than 2 $billion dollars of public property.

 Old Joe knew it when the killing, looting and burning went on and he stood by and approved it. But he's a democrat so it's okay. Not to worry!! All democraaats approved it!

This condition of mental illness was progressive showing itself more so over the last two years, but this has been going on for decades while he was a senator and as vice president! 

And now with the new congress, Joe will have to show how he and his family have been taking bribes from our enemies for decades for 10's of $millions of dollars for favors to advance their agendas for world domination which will drive Amecia into ruin!

(And everyone knew it, but ''It's just ol Joe! Nothing to see here!!)

In truth, he has never been well but a mental patient that has been running loose in our civil society causing generational damage to our country.

Joe says anything that come to mind and since he has less mind
each and every minute, what he says is illogical, illusionary,
chaotic and malicious! He is truly a DNA mutant!

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