Monday, November 21, 2022

Marxist democraaats Frozen In Hate Mode : Nothing Else Matters!!

 Ignorance and intolerance for and of reality has no bounds! Little wonder why so many ''smart'' people were caught in the net of their extreme ignorance of reality with the fraud of FTX! And yet they can put it all aside and vote for self-destruction bringing (Voted) Joe Biiyden to power and the total destruction of our civil society!

It's said the American voter is way too smart to get caught up in delusion and ineptness. Again, the experts were wrong! Again!! The American voters for the most part (Not all) are stupid and so easily duped! They acftully believe what the Marxist democraaat tell them!! Go Figure!

Reality found! A group of teachers were asked how their 403b was doing today with all of the inflation? (Actually, it's off, negative, about -17% to -22%!)  Most had no idea except that it was not good because Trump lied to Joe Biiyden about just how bad the economy actually was when old Joe took office two year ago!!!!

Joe said he was doing his best to fix the problems that his predecessor left behind. 

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