Monday, November 07, 2022

The Professor Heads For the Basement From Which He Came! : Ol' ''Ice Cream'' Joe!

Hey, pay no attention to the disaster of chaos and conflict in our country, everything will be fine, "It's just Ol' Joe being Joe''! (Once you understand Joe being a psychotic mentally ill 3 year old child isn't that bad once you reach the front of the bread line!)

Who the hell voted for president in 2020 that they never saw or heard and as a result our country is nearing default?? If that doesn't scare the hell out of you for what might happen tomorrow, then you haven't been paying attention.

The narrative is, 'trust the voter to know what's in their best interest, they will do the right thing' and the right things is to vote all the democraaats out of office to save the entire country from collapse.

Goodness, I can't help remembering the 2012 election believing no one knowing what Barrrack did to all of us in his first term, will be stupid enough, therefore fooled into voting this Marxist monster in for a second term, but they did!!!

The voters didn't care that this guy was a mental patient with
a 45-year history of failure. They voted for him anyway! 
(And they cheated nationwide as well!!)

Many democraaats are saying Joe is a problem but we 
can fix that, so vote for us again to save the nation and
the planet! Will they do it? Of course!!

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