Friday, October 01, 2021

Unvaxed Agenda Problematic For Vaxed : Why Are Vaxed Confused? A National Hypnosis?

 It's not the vexed fearing the unvaxed, it's the political tools the democraaats are using for control is being found out to be like everything else concerning the Wuhan flu, it's a fraud, a corruption and malicious attack from local, state and federal governments using it to take total control of all of our lives.

How did this happen that so many mentally ill people could take control of so much of our country all the while we just wondered who these people are that don't make any sense in the real world and did nothing to confront it? 

But luckily many are beginning to take a stand against what they see as a threat against them and their families! No one and I mean no one down here in the trenches can or could comprehend what is happening in America!

Again, from the past, ''When people are confronted with insurgencies, they wait too long to recognize the danger and then are too often  paralyzed by it.''

It's only about the power for control that has transformed
once rational people into delusional and corrupt tyrants!
They have been mentally transformed!

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