Sunday, October 10, 2021

Joe Biiy-den's History Explains His Ideology of Government : The People Are Easily Fooled!

Ol' Joe was told again to stay in his basement as the mood of the country has turned negative toward his demand for wrecking the country so he can build it back better. 

Hell,  they say he doesn't remember how to ''build it back at all! He doesn't even remember which way back to his basement?''

'Come on man, what are you guys talking about? Build what back better? I have everything I need right in my basement! By the way, when's lunch?' (Jill, tell them I have to pee!)

Jill says she has to feed Joe sometimes when they are outside
because he forgets to finish his meals in the morning.

And no one knew he was a loser after watching him in action
for the last 50 years???? Can it be that all democraaat voters
are losers??

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