Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Metamorphosis is Complete : Barrrack's Jihad for ''Fundamental Change'' Is Here!

 Ol' Joe is having the time of his life bouncing from one catastrophic event to the next smiling and extolling the benefits of America in decline. His days in the congress were good but this being president is just the best ever.

''I don't remember it being this much fun when Barrrack was president and I sat behind him. Now I have the power to do what ever I want and there isn't anyone to stop me. Everyone has to listen and pay attention or I will have them eliminated. How better then this to end one's life time career of government employment!?''

The democraaat voters are confused. They want to be controlled
but maybe this wasn't what they thought was the agenda. Oh well,
we'll always vote democraaat like we always have.

History is riff with examples of how this never worked! democraaats
know it won't work to make life better, but then it's never been about
making life better, it always been about the power for control.

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