Monday, October 18, 2021

The Jobs Report From Hell - democraaats : Things Are Working As Planned!

 Wow! I wonder who voted for the collapse of our country and worse do they have any idea what they have done and are responsible for the chaos we are all suffering from their ignorance and total stupidity?

It is truly frightening to understand the thinking of a democraaat voter. It seems they are happiest when they are promised enslavement if they do the bidding of their known betters!

Conservative voter know a good thing when they see it
and rally to hear the good the news!
The democraaat voter flock to the news there will be a gathering
of supporters for news of  the coming of new controls!

''Build Back Better!?'' What criminal nonsense!! As usual the Marxist
democraaats are not about making things better,
they are only about taking power by any means necessary. This means
driving America into chaos and default!!!

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