Saturday, October 23, 2021

Universities Are Robbing The country of common sense! : And Taxpayers Money!!!

 The cost of a college education is prohibitive especially the ivy league schools like Harvard. Harvard's endowment fund of more the $40 billion dollars is not being used to help students. It make a lot of sense that they should be part the solution for reducing the cost of higher education by using some of their resources each year to help more qualified students to succeed!

And when did the cost go out of sight was when Barrrack took over the funding of education from hte private sector. Now the taxpayer are feeding the universities criminal activities of brain washing students with Marxist ideology.

There no price to high that parents won't pay to educate
their children and the universities know it!

The cry of those that have a need to demand of others
for something they can't accomplish themselves!

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