Thursday, October 14, 2021

Domestic Terrorist Attacking School Boards? : The FBI To Save Us From What!? Too Many Rights And Freedoms?

 Just think about this for a moment, the organization that was used to try and overthrow a duly elected president of the Untied States and the government and now ordered to attack citizens who don't want there children to be mentally destroyed by the ''shadow government''(The Deep State) of Marxist democraaats.

The Marxist democraaats now demanding the parents of children in our schools to become good communists that hate their parents, hate American democracy, individual freedom, are now seen as people who care about all things for their children have become enemies of the state !!!

I wonder who voted for people that made no effort to hide their intentions to totally destory American way of life on November of last year and yet like the walking dead they voted for their own destruction.??

I wonder as well if these same people are taking a closer look at the results of their total incompetence and stupidity and understand they are to blame for the chaos and conflict now raging in our country?

The important thing going on now in our country is to 
understand the Marxist democraaats hate the people who care
about the freedom to chose!

My goodness, the FBI is here to help us? No one will believes
they are here to help but to take our freedoms and rights
as stated in our Constitution as citizens.

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