Monday, October 25, 2021

Terrorists Chant ''Death To America'' : The Media Reports it As "Lets Go America''! What?

Never say anything bad about those that what to kill us. Oh it's not strange they say stuff like that, the media believes once the killers take power they, the media elites will be partners in control by their side! But in reality they will be destroyed like Hitler did to the Brown Shirts that did the killing of Jews for the Nazis. Hitler didn't trust them after he took power!

It's amazing how far left the media has decided to go to render our enemies as our friends just to support an ideology that will in the end bring chaos and conflict but they believe personal wealth and power.

Remember the 3am call from the Ogbjamma administration to the media, "Never let a crisis to to waste''!! The result is a a blitz of lies and misinformation to the population from the media that wish to do us all harm.

But the population has awakened, 10's of millions of citizens and more each day say "LET'S GO BRANDON''!!

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