Monday, October 11, 2021

Joe Biiyden Hates The Unvaxed : Why? He Has No idea Why!

 One thing that has become clear, Joe Biiyden has proven beyond a doubt he is no longer living in the present, not that he ever did as history is proof enough, but now drifting in what medial experts describe as an illogical dream land brought on by the riggers of advanced dementia.

Some explain that he is trying to relive past exploits that occurred over his checkered 50 years in government employment causing him stress and confusion resulting in a jumble of incoherent and unintelligible statements as he tries to relate to the subject at hand.

Joe, for the most part has no idea what he is doing or why, he just goes with the flow of events that are shown him and read to him as he is maneuvered from one public forum to another. But it is of little help as he no longer functions as a cognitive aware individual.

The Marxist socialist democraaat collective is now his family and guides him through the day scripting his every move. (The Chinese are thrilled of having to deal on the world stage with a mentally ill 3 year old! But not to worry, Hunter and his Chinese friends are still making sure he gets richer by the day!)

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