Monday, November 02, 2020

For All Those That Voted Early For Biden : If Biden Wins, Only Hell's Worst Awaits You!

 And given all of the non-sense from the ''good'' doctor Fauci about the Wuhan virus driving people into states of fear, forcing millions of citizens to vote early to avoid this non-pandemic but just another vigorous flu bug like the six other flu viruses now out an about in our country.

For all those the reacted out of ignorance and fear voted early will now have to live with something far worse the a virus if Biden and the socialist Marxist democraaat win, you will have to live with a government that hates you and will steal not only your money but your freedom to chose!!

This if nothing else this is a very good and valuable lesson to be learned but hopefully doesn't leave you penniless or worse. Make sure you get some good information from a reliable sources before you deicide if your are willing to accept a life of not having the freedom to chose or prosperity or a quick shallow grave someplace where no one will ever know or care you even existed!!!

It's who the progressive socialist liberal Marxist democraaats are and they're proud of it! Looting and burning of other peoples businesses, even the killing of police officers is a way of life, and they are promising much more to come for their ''fundamental'' changing of America.

How come so many of our good citizens didn't know this? Where did you become educated on the facts of America life? CNN, MSNBC, social internet media and or the letter legacy channels on television? 

Goodness gracious people. These are not nice people! They are dedicated to taking advantage of you by feeding treacherous misinformation that can and will destroy your life!

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