Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Winning Hand Still Loses : How Come? What Are The Rules?

 It seems a shame that when you have the winning hand you still lose the game! The problem is one person plays by the rules of the game while the other player has no intention of do so. The progressive socialist liberal Marxist democraaats are all about winning the big score and the making sure there will bo no more games. 

They have lied for generations about who they truly are and then steal, with a big smile the very soul of the free people who know only the rule of law. The democraaats didn't vote for Joe Biden, the democraaat collective, the media, big tech, big pharma, big corporates and foreign adversaries stole the election a perfectly executed plan to flood the system with fraud on a scale never dreamed of in the past..

The saying, ''When confronted with an insurgency, the people wait too long to recognize  the danger and  then they are to often paralyzed from action by it'' perfectly fits the situation we face today!

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