Monday, November 23, 2020

Families Are Gathered Together For Celebration? : democraaats Say ''Call the Police''!

Divide and conquer!  Progressive socialist liberal Marxists democraaats find it necessary to advance their agenda and "Woke" ideology of centralized control of all out comes, they must force the population to tremble in fear of things they can see or understand, that is, wearing masks at all times and keeping distant from other forms of humanity!! Contact is unsafe!

No one can survive this "pandemic" unless they relinquish their personal freedom to associate with other humans. The only way to ensure safety is to obey government orders to remain alone and hidden from contact with any member of the civil sociality that has been corrupted.

The New Woke government that promises all things for all people will remain strong and unrelinguishing in it's task. It's easy to be safe, to get along, go along!

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