Thursday, November 12, 2020

Joe Biden and Socialist democraaats Listen Closely : Winston Churchill IS Speaking!!

 As the wind blows so goes Joe Biden and his handlers in the socialist collective. Actual results are of no concern when the chance to gain power even by force of misinformation, outright lies or physical force causes injury to property and human kind, it is required and therefore permitted as an agenda.

That Joe Biden brings nothing to the people for success after bing in power for 47 years, now or in the near future seems to be lost on the population. 

President Trump has 4 years of unrelenting success in domestics and foreign policy but is seen as a failure by the media and the progressive Marxist democraaats. Is this because the Marxists don't understand what success is when it only brings liberty and prosperity to others rather then to deliver personal profits of moony and power to themselves?

So it seems, doesn't it!

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