Monday, November 23, 2020

democraaats Demand Obedience : Donald Trump Delivers On Principles! He Is One of Us!!

 Wondering why the progressive Marxist democraaats hate Donald Trump? Wonder no longer!!!!!! Marxists have no agenda other then finding ways to take power from those that are helpless to defend themselves.

Donald Trump is the champion of all of us down here in the trenches that for decades, if not generations have be used and abused by the ever growing mob of elites who profess their desire to help those that can't help themselves but in reality couldn't care less. It's now and always has been about the power for control, get it and keep it by any means necessary.

The porgressive liberal Marxists hate us because we refuse to believe they, mob are a legitimate source of information for life and living in the real world, and that is why they hate Donald Trump, he is one of us!!

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