Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Republicans Shrink From The Heat? : To Stand On Principle Is Dangerous!

 It seems that when the going gets tough, the Republicans fold their collective tents and crawl away in the dark of night, whining and whimpering that life isn't fair. And of course it isn't but as the saying goes, 'you win some and you lose some but you have suit up for them all'. You work as hard as you can until the game is over. Quitting is not an option.

It wouldn't be fair to say all Republicans are spineless, but many have a tendency to travel down the well traveled road of expediency rather then the narrow and cluttered road of principled advocacy. 

Progressive socialist democraaats on the other hand don't suffer from have to make a choice between being loyal to the collective or taking a stand that is contrary to collective dogma. They know better, it's just who the are and have pledged fealty to their leadership without doubt of conviction to the cause. To do other wise would result in termination.

All good soldiers, stand shoulder to shoulder silently waiting for orders!

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