Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Good Example of A Leftist Hero : "Trust Me" They Say, We Mean You No Harm!!!???

 Just another warning to many of our citizens who have decided to vote for a situation that will, if allowed to go forward, will cement a fundamental change to everything we, as a free nation love and cherish! 

Trust me they say!

One has to know who this man was from their education in high school and or college history classes, right?

Trust me they demand!

No he isn't George Bush, Bush was Hitler according to the democraaats. And no he isn't Donald Trump, there isn't any resemblance at all, not in physical or ideological standings, although the democraaat Marxists believe his is even worse!

No he is note of the aforementioned characters, he is the hero of the progressive socialist liberal Marxists who are now demanding we all obey on faith that they have our best interest in mind.

''Trust Me'' is the new slogan for fundamental change to our Constitution.

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