Monday, November 16, 2020

The justice Department Declares Criminal Activity In Election : Hiding In The Basement Won't Be Enough?

 Obviously the jury is still out when it comes to just what the justice department will do to clarify, expose the criminal corruption in the election by the socialist democraaats. But just the fact that AG Barr is looking should bring elevated heart beats for the progressive Marxist democraaats now declaring themselves winners.

Notice the media is stepping up their outrage? hmmmm How come?

Barr will find voter fraud on a scale not even imagined in the past. Truly breath taking in what has been in the past just a joke with dead people voting. Now the dead are still voting but in massive numbers this year along with computer technology at it's best, worst stealing millions of votes!

Computer software that automatically changes votes from Republicans to democraaats 38 states, mail in ballots stolen by the trunk loads and even absentee ballots found to be a fraud by the 10's of thousands. Law suits in 5 states on going.

Yikes! Who voted for this?

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