Thursday, October 18, 2018

Wis. School District Still Struggling : Cancelled ''Mocking Bird'' Play Due To Mental Protections

The saga of progressive socialsit liberalism at it's worst continues unabated. Now the powers that be have decided that the play To Kill A Mocking Bird had to be canceled due to protecting the ''mental and emotional health'' of the student body of Shorewood school district.

Prepare for the worst. This is only the beginning. 

Just when you think you have seen and heard it all, you are proven wrong. This shameful drama in real life continues to play out in such a fashion as to force real people to seek a place to sit as their egualiberliubm becomes weakened from trying to fathom the tactics of others that are not burdened with any common sense or even minimal intellectual abilities to grapple with obvious real life situations.

Shorewood Cancels Mockingbird Play Again Due to Mental Instability
by | Oct 17, 2018 | , (RightWisconsin)

The Shorewood School District has officially lost its mind, according to the school superintendent. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Shorewood superintendent Bryan Davis announced that (once again) there would be no public performance of a stage version of To Kill A Mockingbird “due to mental and emotional health of our entire student body related to the production.”

Instead, there will be a closed dress rehearsal for the parents of the student actors. (Update 1:57 PM. This appears to be canceled, too.)

The play was supposed to be staged for the public October 11 – 13 but was canceled at the last moment because some students and parents, who may have threatened to protest, objected to the use of the “N-word” in the play. Then it was being brought back for one night only on Wednesday following a night of a discussion about race on Tuesday. Apparently the discussion of race didn’t go well (as expected) because some of the same students who spoke Tuesday are going to speak at a press conference Wednesday explaining how the existence of the play has, according to Davis, destroyed their mental health.

It’s clear from the evidence that Shorewood has done a horrible job of educating their students. To Kill a Mockingbird is a historical fictional story about how the racism of a small town in the Jim Crow South prevented the fair trial of an African American man falsely accused of rape. Apparently the sparse use of the “N-word” in Harper Lee’s classic is too much for the little ignorant brats, demonstrating that the school district has done nothing to educate students about the context and the subject matter of the novel or the play.

Davis shouldn’t bother trying to explain why the student body and the Shorewood community has had a collective bout of insanity. Instead, Davis should offer an apology to the community for failing to educate the district’s students and offer taxpayers a full refund for the taxes paid to operate the school – minus the cost of straitjackets for everyone.

Since that won’t happen, Davis should offer his resignation. He clearly has no business being involved in the education of children. The school board in Shorewood should follow him.

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