Sunday, October 14, 2018

Who Is The Real Hillary Clinton? : No Surprises Found

Where is the real Hillary Clinton? Oh, there she is, just like we all knew where she was among the wreckage that is her life and reputation for destruction. Hateful and criminal. A poster child for the ''New Wave'' progressive socialist liberal democrat collective.

Worst of all she a lot of associates in her efforts to bring chaos and conflict to our country. Remember the Kavanaugh hearings?

Poorly informed or totally uninformed or misinformed citizens who line up to vote every election time and vote democrat to bring more pain and suffering to those very voters who religiously believe democrats and Hillary wants to help them to a better life.

Hillary Clinton, what you see is what you get. A vote for progressive democrats is a vote for Hillary and her agenda and ideolog of greed for money and power, delusion that she can still win the hearts and minds of the voters, and shamelessly stand before the cameras to proclaim she is still a nice person who just wants what's best for everyone.

Hillary Clinton : angry, hateful, sinister and destructive. 

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