Saturday, October 13, 2018

The High Court is Now 5-4 Conservative : Imagine The Court 6-3 Conservative

Oh my goodness. Just imagine what will transpire when Ruthie can't remember where she works or where she lives and forced to step down. And worse, of course, if and when she becomes room temperature. 

And even worse then that for progressive democrats, Trump will nominate a women to replace her. This has to be something that the progressive socialist liberal democrats fear the most. A court that is 6 to 3 Conservative.

A woman that must be destroyed on the national stage for no other reason then she is a women, a Christian and a Conservative leaves little room for the democrats to attack. But never fear the hate machine of the liberal democrats will find the answer to how they can go to new lows in their task for destruction. 

It's just who they are and always have been.

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