Friday, October 19, 2018

Who Are The Real Progressive Socialist Demcrats? : Why Are They Here?

The insane are here.

Just who are the progressive socialist liberal democrats and what do they intend for all of America?

The open question then,  just before the midterm elections, is who are the real democrats, there really aren't any?, and what do they actually stand for, if anything? What are the issues that the democrats put forward for debate?

Don't laugh! They are serious about issues and are willing to burn cars and smash window to prove it, especially when the issues are dominated by the opposition.

The reality is the democrat party is no longer a political party at all with an agenda to help the people of this great country. Those that were actual members of that national political party are gone. They have become active independents or have gone into hiding, frightened by what they see the party has become, leaving behind any semblance of politics, common sense or any principle that once defined what and who democrats are.

Understand, Barrrack's ''transformation'' demand for America and his 'religious jihad for change' was just a coming-out party to celebrate the ''New Wave'' agenda and ideology of identity politics. It's not that there is this group of people, not individuals but a willing assembly of bodies, ready to do the hard work demanded by their betters to take to the streets , now ready to step out of the shadows into the sunlight proclaiming their time has come to take control, and that they will take power to do this by any means necessary.

The Constitution of The United States is of no concern. It's old and useless. Written more then two hundreds of years ago and so has no reverence for modern times. As Barrrack said on many occasions, our Constitution is flawed. It says what the government can't do to the citizens, when it should read what the government can do.

This isn't a new phonomime, the old democrat party was always socialist in it's agenda, demanding government could always do more to make life easier for everyone. Having to take responsibility for their own actions was never a platform plank in their party principles. All that was necessary to have the good life was to vote like you are told.

But now the democrat party has been reborn as a 'progressive socialsit liberal collective' with the similar principles to the old Marxist ideology of what real power should look like. A centralized authority to be all things for all people. And if you disagree with that fact of life in their minds, you will be attacked, reeducated and or destory outright.

Don't forget the basic socialsit ideology identifier, ''To each according to ones need and From each according to ones abilities''. This is not a fantasy. This is history. This is the socialist ideology that killed, murdered millions of people, humans being.

No greater proof of this 'coming-out' party to show the progressive socialsit liberal are serious then the Kavanaugh hearings for his confirmation to the Supreme Court. It truly is about 'by any means necessary, including character assassination, personal violence against private property and individuals to get and keep the power to control.

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