Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Who Is Responsible For Failure? : Politicians Or Voters Or Both.

It's interesting to understand what's at stake for our country considering the elections next November 6th. It's not just that common sense might lose and lose badly when progressive socialist liberal democrats would take power, but perhaps something much worse. Many people who willingly vote democrat for no other reason then they always have, and therefore eliminate common sense from our country's political discourse, but have no idea of the consequences they will set in motion.

Given what has transpired during the Kavanaugh hearing from the progressive socialsit liberals attacking judge Kavanaugh for no other reason other then to prevent him from taking his place on the Supreme Court as a Conservative believing in the Constitution as the rule of law, but what they are doing is to set the stage for any other Conservative candidate as well, for any office that the democrats believe it is their personal birthright to control, for ever, that will be nominated and therefore must be destroyed.

This is who progressive socialist democrats are and always have been. Vicious, despicable and amoral members of a far left collective dedicated to the destruction of the American civil society as founded more the 240 years ago. To get and keep the power for control of all out comes, it is necessary to do that by any means necessary. Any means. There are no limits.

And if that's not enough, just think of all those that have given their last full measure to defend this last bastion of freedom and liberty, but then have some people like these democrats piss on their graves just to gain more power over others. It's a capitulation to the worst in the human corruption of spirit and ethics. But they are democrats.

But what about all of the voters that will line up to vote for the destruction of country and therefore their personal lives and that of their families due to ignorance or misinformation, are these voters no better then the depraved politicians that are leading the charge to cause harm and or destroy our society based on the rule of law?

Is ignorance of 'natural law' an acceptable reason for a gross failure to be informed?

Can we say then due to ignorance, misinformation and voters that are grossly uninformed on the actually events and conditions that exist in our country and the real world, can they be considered ''collateral damage'' and must accept responsibility for the failure of our society due the those they elected to lead our country?

But how do you hold people responsible for their actions when they have no clue what they are doing to start with. They live by the standard of ''When ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise''. It's just easier then having to make decisions based on reality.

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