Friday, October 12, 2018

New Gingrich On America's Destruction : We Have A choice(VIDEO)

Here is a powerful video of Newt Gingrich explaining what is at stake in the next election on November 6th.  It is the very most basic rule of survival of our way of life. We have to deicide what is important in our lives, the rule of law or chaos and ruin.

America at a cross road in our history. democrats say do what we demand or we will destroy you and the country if necessary to regain power. By any means necessary.

He explains we have a choice between destruction of our Constitution by the democrats as witnessed at the Kavanuagh senate hearings or the rule of law. The other option is to support those that believe the Constitution as founded IS the rule of law.

The progressive socialsit liberal democrats have made it very clear, we as a nation much chose to give up our individual freedom and liberty or be destroyed. 

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