Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Bill Clinton, Hero, The Tefflon Man : Taking Power From The Little People

Bill really doesn't have to hide from anyone because of his sexual adventures, getting BJ's in Oval Orffice of the White House or raping seveal women was just for fun. Nothing to see here. The progressive socialsit liberal democrats love him and for good reason, he took power in the election by lying and he took power from the women he raped and never looked back.

He is the most Tefflon man ever in the world that loves tyrants and mental degenerates.

And it's one of the reason why the progressive socialist liberals hate Judge Kavanuagh, he and his friends believe there are laws and conscience to be reckoned with. Judge Kavanaugh is a perfect example of what a good and honest man looks and acts like.

democrats on the other hand don't believe in conscience, naturel or legislative laws. It is only about getting and keeping power and by any means necessary. People are just pawns to be used and abused at their leisure.

The press and the world at large will always grant him a free ride. As much as we are frustrated with social media that is biased toward progressive socialists, it is the tool at hand that will always follow Bill and others like him with a pathological indifference to personal tragedy among others.

The indifference to physical and moral suffering is the real face of progressive socialsit liberalism.


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