Saturday, October 27, 2018

democrats Say to ''Trust Them'' : The Lie Is The Same - Just A Different Day

Pay no attention to what I do,  just what I tell you to do and don't think about it. Be good socialist democrats that will jump to their collective destruction if told to do so.

Ignorance is infectious among the mentally weak and therefore easily duped. Just like cows that pile up in the corner of a  barn when it's on fire, the democrat voter blindly enters the voting booth and do their duty to support their betters no matter how much damage they have caused in the past. 

''When ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise''.

Actually having to make a comprehensive decision between what works and what doesn't isn't necessary. All that's necessary is to vote like you are told and then remember your lines on who is to blame when it all fails as it always does.

Remember this form Winston Churchill, ''Socialism is a philosophy of failure , the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy.  It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery''.

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