Sunday, October 28, 2018

Moral and Ethical Failings Is The New Norm : Liberalism's Agenda

Don't worry about what is right or moral, it's all about the political power to control all outcomes. And it's about who will actually believe this is the new norm for civil society on November 6th.

What should we believe is moral and ethical behavior? Are all standards for behavior that have worked well in the past for the nation at large all now up for debate? And behavior that was always here understood to be unacceptable but kept in ones own personal small world, now deemed as okay on the national stage?

Who exactly are these people?
Truly this is a 'water shed' moment in our history given the change in the political climate brought on by Donald Trump. Everything has changed and change is very difficult. For some people, impossible. The natural reaction to someone making a change to their world is to bring rage and violence to the civil debate. If you have no issues for the betterment of the society, then what is left but outrage.

Their personalities and ideology won't allow any other options.

- Eon


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