Saturday, October 20, 2018

Two Nations United Against A Common Enemy : Mexico And The United States!

It's time to have some good news for a change and it appears that it is coming from Mexico. The Mexican government is becoming partner with the United States instead of an adversary.

Just imagine what we can accomplish on the drug front when these two great nations work together to stem and stop the drug traffic into the united States, and how the United States can help the Mexican government fight and defeat the drug mafia that has control of a large part of the Mexican population.

And how did this come to pass? Easy, Donald Trump acting on the best interests of both countries instead of how it worked in the past when our government sided with criminal elements in Mexico against our own people.

The question that remains is, why would a sitting president of the United States and a national political party take up sides against our own country's citizens of an entire state as they did in Arizona? What could the motivation be to do that?

There is more of course, why would Barrrack's administration sue the state of Arizona to stop enforcing the national immigration laws at it's boarder with Mexico? And why did Barrrack state that the federals laws that are on the books should be enforced but then attack those that are tasked to enforce those laws?

Looking back again as we ask the same questions now given what transpired then and what is transpiring now but the outcome so much different? Who is Barrack Ogbjma and what did he intend for our country when he said back in 2008 that he wanted to ''Fundamentally Change America'', to ''transform'' America into a society that would be more in line and represent the true values as accepted by the international community?

America on her knees.

As we know now and as we did then, and given how our country has been ''transformed'' by Donald Trump to give back the power to the people which was arrested from them by Barrrack, to allow them, the average person the ability to make decisions that effect themselves and the asperations for personal prosperity to become a reality, instead of forcing the population onto it's collective knees in respect for the generosity of a centralized authority that has the power to destruct and destory at will.

Just understand how much better everyone feels today as we witness the Mexican government taking on the mob that is attacking it on their southern boarder before it reaches our southern boarder. The two countries working together to stem the tide of world wide criminals that are responsible.

Ask the question now, are we better off now after only two years of common sense leadership from Donald Trump or were the 8 years of Barrrack Ogbjma and his minions in the progressive socialist liberal democrat collective rule a better alternative?

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