Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Daily Signal - The Morning Bell - The Heritage Foundation : Are They Censoring Speech?

This is interesting in that one would never have thought that the Daily Signal, the Morning Bell, a wing of the Conservative Heritage Foundation would take an active role in deciding to censor or block a site that is very Conservative, aggressively so.

This below is a note to Heritage to find out why this is happening. I have tried unsuccessfully for more the three weeks to get an answer from the Morning Bell but with no luck.

Just a quick note to find out why the Morning Bell seems to be censoring me. I had been receiving the Morning Bell for years but now they have decided to stop this service. I reapplied on two different occasions, received the 'thank you for subscribing'' notice but no email from the Morning Bell in my email box.

It is curious that a situation like this would occur at Heritage, a true bastion of free speech. Or have those that have the responsibility to decide who has  the privilege to have  access depends on your opinion if different and that it clashes with their own. 

We can agree the free speech should not be censored and access to a website blocked due to a willingness to advance an agenda or ideology, especially when that website is a well know Conservative institution like Heritage. 

So let me know why I'm being censored and or block access to The Signals Morning Bell email service.


Destiny's Choice - America Is  

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