Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Wuhan Murders 10 Million But ''The Fau Ci'' Unaware!? What's You're Point?

No one knew it would be this easy to murder 10 million people and no one would be the wiser as democraaats are the levers of power!

''The Fau Ci'' says to this day that the Wuhan virus came from a ''wet market'' animal and spread to humans, but why aren't there more animals with the same virus on the move to infect us all again? 

(OOPS, here he comes again with the answer! Marxist media even had an animal on display to prove it!) 

The Fau Ci is on another fear campaign demanding there are now new viruses here and more coming that will ravage the population if we don't act now to stop them. Even The Fau Ci was on TV going door to door with the mayor of DC talking to people in surrounding neighborhoods about the need for masks and other programs for their control.

 So, we need to mask up again says The Fau Ci,'' and maybe even lock down for a while to ''flatten the curve.''! (But many residents of the neighborhood told mayor Bowser and The Fau Ci to get screwed!! The people are no longer fooled by these monsters!!)

Remember how the brilliance of The Fau Ci worked out the first time???

That little bastard is on the move again singing
his song of fear and destruction of all people if
we don't pay attention to his words of wisdom!
After all he is ''Science!''

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