Sunday, March 12, 2023

This Isn't Funny : Joe Biiyden Is Still In Charge!? Maybe Not!!

 With another election coming up sooner than anyone thinks, it's just amazing to hear so many good citizens discuss who they are going to vote for even given the nightmare we all are living in right now!

And now with the chance of a total collapse of the banking system which means our economy will suffer a near collapse, the talking heads on television still demand everyone believe the current administration is doing a good job of running the country.

The scariest part in all this is why do millions of citizens still believe this crazy talk even when they are confronted everyday with proof of democraaats failures.


Joe is just another goofy democraaat
riding a wave of ignorance and criminal
corruption unseen in our history!?  Or is
he just a puppet for others to do their

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