Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Silicon Vally Workers Getting Axed! : Joe Says ''Teach Them To Code!''

 I wonder if anyone thought it through to the end for the results of their push for destruction of the country as founded? What did they believe would be a good alternative for individual freedom?

Remember the lyrics form Me and Bobby McGee, ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose''!

Or was it just destroying everything in sight, take as much of the good stuff that the people worked for and then split the scene with the booty? The had to know, like all of the other times in history that the Republicans will still be around and ready to fix the mess the democraaat made.

And then, once the country running smoothly again, even after years of demonizing them for their efforts in the Marxist media, the media and the Marists democraaats will finally convince the voters it's time to throw them out. 

And good democraaat voters will believe they are after all the brain washing, they are telling us the truth, they have always told the truth!! ''We have to believe that, right?!''

It works every time, let the stealing and destruction begin again!

What was good yesterday for old Joe, today
is just another day in the basement!

While Rome burned, - - -!!

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