Tuesday, March 28, 2023

It's past Time For Somene to Take Control!! : Here Comes The Boss!!

 It's true, Ol Joe is a mental mess and getting worse. It's a sickness that most democraaats have and is mostly incurable. All that's needed for proof is how the vote in congress to understand they are not like the rest of us who have a grip on reality!

But a lot of people are getting scared as Joe goes further and further into a world of his own making, going back to riding on the train to go home, talking smart and enjoying the adulations of other morons who finding speaking to a vice president who is totally living in his world of make believe which makes no sense at all.

A three-year-old lunatic! But the Marxist say not to worry, all is well, ''It's Just Ol' Joe''!!

Ol' Joe always loved being the center of attention. Just like when your kids were 4 years old and out in public where you couldn't give them kick in butt for their antics.

It's time for the real big guy to take charge and begin the
''Been there Done that'' to bring our country back
from the edge!! (AGAIN!!)

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