Monday, March 20, 2023

Joe Biiyden Is A Non-Person : He Never Was A Real Person!

 ''It's Just Ol'd Joe!'' When he is screaming and throwing around his fists in some kind of make-believe rage, reminiscing about when he was in the Senate where his name was understood to be known as just an old ''blowhard''.

Old Joe was just a joke, an empty suit, a jackass braying as loudly as possible to show his total ignorance of anything of substance. He's just another old fool calling himself a good democraaat.

But he understood he loved living up to those high standards given him by his fellow senators. 

Old Joe is just another raging fool that his
people in Delaware have elected for the
last 40 years but don't know why!

Let the good times roll, more taxes and more spending and
soon he will run out of other people's money.

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