Thursday, March 09, 2023

A College Degree! : What's It Worth?

So many suckers are born every minute and even more pundits telling the ignorant young dopes just out of high school what a deal it is to get a good college education and then they will make the big bucks after they sign on the line. Losers! They lied!

Anyone who has attended a college or university knows after just a few years of living in reality find that they are worse off than when they started 4 years or more ago. (Maybe 5 or 6 years depending on the smooth talkers!)

Now they find their diploma is worthless, not the STEM type, and they are in huge debt! 

Not only is their ''sheep skin'' worthless but their loans are now due, but they don't have a job that will help pay off the loans much less providing enough funds to put food on the table at the same time.

In reality again, the only alternative fore getting rich quick is to run for public office and then steal all the money you want from the even dumber than you, the stupid taxpayers!!

Time to pivot for the democraaats as they are in need
of more votes. That the SCOTUS found Joe's proposal
unconstitutional is of no concern. All students with loans
will vote for Joe in hopes he will win and he will
deliver on his $trillions dollar promise.

And how many of these diplomas are really
worthless? Most!!!

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