Sunday, March 19, 2023

WOKE Is Believing Your Money Is Safe! : SVB - ''Where's My Money, dude?'' Fail Safe?

Why were so many big-time investors in this bank? Some had to know how the system works and made sure the depositors understood the failsafe program was in enforce to safe guard their funds. 

What a great way for the donner committee headquarters to deposit huge funds in the bank and then the bank forks out untold monies to WOKE politician action committees to redistribute the funds to organizations around the country to get good democrats elected without any footprints back to the donner depositors. 

A winning system for democraaats. But wait, it gets better!

And then the worst happens, the bank fails leaving all of the huge depositors high and dry. But then to save their election funding operation, the government steps in and saves the bank. The bank in turn rolls the funds again back to the donner headquarters and then back to the democraaat activists to steam roll another election but this time with taxpayer funds and their original monies are safe as well!!

It's called ''money laundering'' on a gigantic scale.

It happens over and over again! Now it's a ''win win'' program for the democraaats!

The long game is simple to understand, '' We have it and
you don't and we will make sure you never do!!''

Being WOKE is being unable to live without having others
giving you directions on how live your life!

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