Wednesday, March 15, 2023

AOC Under Investigation! : House Committee To Rule Before 2024! (Maybe NOT!)

 AOC responses to this nonsense by saying she was doing what all democraaats do is taking advantage of every opportunity to advance their own agenda and position in the government. 

AOC stated if it means taking a gift of some item like a dress, she say, ''so what? It's not like it was some kind of secret stash of money from a donor. Right? Come on!''

House rules committee will study this situation and come up with
a decision by the end of next year. (As serious as this is, they
stated it might take longer if democraaats can't get a legal forum
before the election in 2024!)

AOC says she is innocent and finds this whole affair hilarious. She was
''just making a statement that will send a message to my district in
 New York telling them I understand their pain for people at the seats of
 power and with too much money!'' That is funny!!

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