Monday, March 27, 2023

It's Just The Weather, STUPID! : Will It Be Sunny or Stormy Today!??

 Trump says, ''bring it on! I'm ready!!'' Like the weather, everyone has predictions of how it will be, but as we all know, rarely are predictors correct. 

The Marist democraaats are in full melt down now as their ''collective'' and other interested parties are slamming Braggs for being too aggressive in his attempts to crush his parties' opponent. But he promised he would do this if elected, so why all the agonist over attacking the evil that promises to fix the country? Isn't that what we democraaats are all about???

Just imagine a democraaat political whore being too aggressive.

Trump understands how they system works!
Go big and go bold!

A democraaat screw up like non other!

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