Friday, March 31, 2023

Quid pro Que? Biiyden? Nah! Just A Billion Dollar Weapon for Hunter!!! (Video)

 Here is a quick little video that point up some interesting facts about how Donald Trump was impeached for doing but asking questions about what Hunter was doing in Ukraine and who in the Ukrainian government was doing something about it.

Strangely enough, Biiyden here was videoed doing the perfect example of a Quid pro Que by withholding funds to Ukraine from the Unted States if the Ukrainian AG, who was investigating Hunter Biiyden's illegal dealings with an energy company in Ukraine. 

But who got impeached for a legal phone call and who got laughter threating a member of the Ukrainian government by withholding funds if they didn't comply!!?

STOP TRUMP! : Poll Says Everyone Wants Biiyden??

 Why would the post office issue a stamp in his honor?  And making it free? This is not good for his legacy! Besides what is good a stamp that you can use?  hmmmmm

Always vote democraaat! You to can be
worthless like Joe Biiyden!

What Is The Danger Of Sleepwalking Today? : Others Take Advantage! (GET TRUMP!!)

The Marxists are Winning? ''GET TRUMP!!'' But why? Easy, he is one of Us!! Why is it that some people are above the law while others must suffer those who are at the levers of power? Truly we are now in a real ''insurrection'' by Marxist liberated democraaats who believe it's now or never. Who's next??

Someone a lot smarter the myself said, ''When confronted by insurrection, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are too often paralyzed by it!'' We are at that turning point!

Arnold Toynbee said, ''Doing an autopsy of Western civilizations finds they all commit suicide!''

Here is another great saying, I wish it was mine, but here it is, ''Why do the Marxist liberated democraaats want to kill the golden goose? They want the opportunity to feed on the dead carcass!''

Evil is that Evil does!

Time Travel Can Be Problematic : The Truth Is A Problem!

 Just a quick reminder of just awful Nancy so many other democraaat's legacy really are! And Madonna is just the beginning of the next generation.

Maybe That's Jane Fonda in the middle and maybe that's
Nancy on the right! Yikes!!

One has to wonder just what the idea was to do this?

News You Can't Imagine : History Explains The Reality of The Present!

Just think of the destruction she has been responsible for over her time in our government! But hey, not to worry, she will always be reelected no matter the circumstances of her health or just how awful her district in California is.

California is a disaster of abject failure everywhere and her district is as well, but Nancy's people are solid! Once you have reached the bottom in life, where else can they go? Go believers all!

Good grief! 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Barrrack Said He Wanted A 3rd Term! : But He Needed A Front Man : A Puppet!

 Barrrack said in an interview he would like to have a third term but he didn't want all of the other business that goes along with that. He did say it would be great to have someone to stand in for him to take the ''slings and arrows'' while he maneuvered around in the background making the important decisions.

Well, well! Who knew Joe knew so much about ''cutting a rug'' even if it was just on the end of a string!


Hey Joe, you know the toon so do your stuff. Make 
believe like you are back in the senate doing your
fabulous ''Washington Two Step'' that the world
loved so much that made everyone laugh!

How Did We Get To This Place Absent Common Sense?

 The evolution of commons sense has taken us to a place where most people don't want to go given there are enough people that still understand what they had and don't want o lose it to the demands of 1% of the population.

Know this, the 99% are becoming irritated and soon will be making demands of their own!!! The hard-working population understand what is needed to prosper.  Insanity is not a working agenda for anyone.

All the Marxist know is what they understand to be real
today, but are terribly confused about tomorrow.

You think that's silly? Many of the WOKE really believe
it's true. After all it is a serious religion for the faithful!

This so funny! But wait, the proposals that are festering
in the bowels of the Marxist liberated democraaat 
collective are becoming a reality. Bill Gates says
he will make it so!

Save The Earth? But Why? Not Enough Money?

It's true! If we really want to save the planet, we have to pay others to find out how to do that. It may take generations of scientists, clever politicians and innovative money changers to make it happen!

It will take billions of taxpayer dollars and a lot of personal sacrifice to on the part of the those that have caused the problem in the first place, the people themselves who don't know any better and so must be stopped and then controlled from doing more harm.

Why would anyone think a mentally ill child
could possibly not know so much about nothing
and then tell us all about it on a worldwide
stage demanding she is right??

I guess it makes sense you can't go to the well
too many times and expect the well never to
run dry!

The Question Now Is Where To Pivot Next? : Gas Stoves? Joe's Isn't An Idiot!?

 That the Marxist liberated democraaats what to disarm the nation so they can more easily take control of the population, forcing the people to do the dibbing of the new leadership or be arrested. Look no further then the J6 commission arrests for sightseeing.

See how being in charge and doing wherever you want knowing there no consequences!! 

Hey, we're democraaats, for god's sake!!

And since most everything the Republicans said the monsters that are in power now are doing to destroy the country as founded has come true, just like they said it would, this doesn't mean the Republicans are geniuses or something, it's common knowledge that if democraaats are in charge, and since they are all criminals, bad things will happen, and they did.  dah!

Researchers look for where the democraaats are
storing the good stuff, and whoa, it was in Biiyden's
garage and was for years with the door open!

The pivot for the criminals when the people are get too close
is to make idiot proposals they know won't work but
will throw most talking heads into a swoon and 
therefore lose focus on what's important, lying about

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Rush Limbaugh on Immigration Into Mexico : Video!!

Here's a great video explanation from Rush Limbaugh on immigration into Mexico. It seems other countries are not as easy to get a free ride as it is here in Ameria!!

And remember, if we want to have over the next two years another 20 million new immigrants in our country, always vote for democraaats! So all toll 30 million more people into our educational system, health care demands, jobs and living condition will be needed and the taxpayers will be more than happy to pick up the tab.

Don't you feel good about voting (Cheating) for democraaats in 2020????????????

C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Rush Limbaugh - Immigration\no_mas.wmv

Still More Scary Headlines!

 And if you ever wondered where the ''New Normal'' is headed, wonder no longer! It's here and it's us!!

Can California Be Saved? The Entire Country? : Probably Not!

 Just imagine the entire country run like California. Oh wait, it is being run like California. But why? What is to be gained if the country is destroyed? 

Who votes every time for the same nightmare of destruction to continue? Are the lunatics running he asylum? 

What have the democraaats done ever to improve the living conditions of the people in America? Are they corrupt the last one? So how do they continue to be reelected? Easy, they cheat!

They cannot be saved!!

The Big Banks And Even Bigger Depositors Need Cover? : Fear Not For The Fed Is Here!!

 Big government is always ready to defend big everything else as long as those who are stuffing their collective pockets, the money is free!

And how to stop this corruption, elect someone who understands the problem and actually believes we the people are not the problem. I wonder who that might be? hmmmmm  Who fixed the problem before?

Why is this just another inside job. Why is
 it just and still another corruption of those 
in charge? Is there really no end!

Is it always the responsibility of the people to make the 
necessary sacrifices to save the day while those in charge
go on vacation?

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Silicon Vally Workers Getting Axed! : Joe Says ''Teach Them To Code!''

 I wonder if anyone thought it through to the end for the results of their push for destruction of the country as founded? What did they believe would be a good alternative for individual freedom?

Remember the lyrics form Me and Bobby McGee, ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose''!

Or was it just destroying everything in sight, take as much of the good stuff that the people worked for and then split the scene with the booty? The had to know, like all of the other times in history that the Republicans will still be around and ready to fix the mess the democraaat made.

And then, once the country running smoothly again, even after years of demonizing them for their efforts in the Marxist media, the media and the Marists democraaats will finally convince the voters it's time to throw them out. 

And good democraaat voters will believe they are after all the brain washing, they are telling us the truth, they have always told the truth!! ''We have to believe that, right?!''

It works every time, let the stealing and destruction begin again!

What was good yesterday for old Joe, today
is just another day in the basement!

While Rome burned, - - -!!

Sen. Schumer Understands Censorship : He's A Marxist democraaat in Plain Sight!

There is no such thing as censorship says Chuck! What the Marxist democraaats are doing is protecting the population from others who say things that can't be reconciled with the accepted narrative supported by the good senator and is friends in the Marxist ''collective''.

Make no mistake as to who he is and always has been, he and his party have no connection to what the founders of the country who fought and died for, individual freedom and liberty. The senator is only about taking control of all outcomes with an iron fist if necessary, just like others tried to do during the last century.

But as history though is a good teacher, Marxist socialism, communism has never worked, leaving 10's millions in poverty, inducing chaos and pestilence as centralized authority always does, with the ultimate resulting outcome, a shallow grave for disobedience!

No longer living in the shadows but telling the world who they
are and what they intend for all the rest of us down here in
the trenches!

It's past Time For Somene to Take Control!! : Here Comes The Boss!!

 It's true, Ol Joe is a mental mess and getting worse. It's a sickness that most democraaats have and is mostly incurable. All that's needed for proof is how the vote in congress to understand they are not like the rest of us who have a grip on reality!

But a lot of people are getting scared as Joe goes further and further into a world of his own making, going back to riding on the train to go home, talking smart and enjoying the adulations of other morons who finding speaking to a vice president who is totally living in his world of make believe which makes no sense at all.

A three-year-old lunatic! But the Marxist say not to worry, all is well, ''It's Just Ol' Joe''!!

Ol' Joe always loved being the center of attention. Just like when your kids were 4 years old and out in public where you couldn't give them kick in butt for their antics.

It's time for the real big guy to take charge and begin the
''Been there Done that'' to bring our country back
from the edge!! (AGAIN!!)

Biiyden Shouts His Defiance of Gravity: ''This Is No Joke, Man!!''

''I'm so angry!! It's not my fault!! No, really, I watch my step but then 'bang', down I go. I've asked my tech people if those steps have had any Trump people had any access to them, giving them advice or something!!''

''Those dam steps have always had it in for me. I don't know
what I ever did to them that they would trip me up so often!''

'And then what happen, Mr. president when you got lost on the stage after your speech? What roll did the Easter Bunny play giving you directions to find your way back to your car?? 

'Why does this seem to happen a lot these days that you get lost among your friends?? Do have less friends now than in the past? 

What do your people say about your strange journeys in time and space?'

One thing about Ol' Joe, he doesn't have a care in the 
world, he is just reliving what a good time he had as
as senator where he had not responsibilities other 
than being ''He's just being Ol' Joe!!''

Monday, March 27, 2023

What Will Happen To The US Postal Service : They Are Obsolete and Broke!

What is happened to the US Post office system of mail delivery is on display everywhere you look, and it will be a longshot to believe they will survive another 5 years.

''Get ready to imagine a world without the post office. They are so deeply in financial trouble that there is probably no way to sustain it long term. Email, FedEx, and UPS have just about wiped out the minimum revenue needed to keep the post office alive. Most of your mail every day is junk mail and bills.''

"Where's My Build Back Better Hat?? : The Bonfires of The Faithfull??

 Biiyden's and the Marist democraaat collective used this slogan to establish itself as some kind of legitimate organization that will do a better job of running the country than what Doanld Trump did. 

And as we all have witnessed firsthand, it didn't work.  It's now ''build back broke''!

The country is in a death spiral with democraaat domestic and foreign policy! They have no ideas, no solutions or agendas that are designed to aid the American people to make their lives better.

The democraaat program is to steal everything they can while they can! And yet million willingly vote for shallow graves! What does it mean to be deathly stupid?

Hey it never was about doing something that really
 mattered, it's only all about winning the
power for control.

And now it just might be the preferable straw come to roast!
And none too soon!!

The Banks Are Imploding!! : Arrest Donald Trump!!

 It's the name of the game. When things don't go as planned, pivot to item on the list to accuse Donald Trump of doing so their voters won't be aware of their criminal acts of lies and deception that didn't work out like planned. The banks that are imploding are just a tool for talking points in the media!

And yet the question that is left burning people's common sense is why do so many people still vote democraaat? 

Where do they live that they can be this isolated, mentally and physically?? And again, why so much fear for one man?

These people are all criminals and yet walk free?

Like when the democraaats go after Republicans every
years saying they want to end social security, now they
have another ''go to'' pivot that works every time.

It's Just The Weather, STUPID! : Will It Be Sunny or Stormy Today!??

 Trump says, ''bring it on! I'm ready!!'' Like the weather, everyone has predictions of how it will be, but as we all know, rarely are predictors correct. 

The Marist democraaats are in full melt down now as their ''collective'' and other interested parties are slamming Braggs for being too aggressive in his attempts to crush his parties' opponent. But he promised he would do this if elected, so why all the agonist over attacking the evil that promises to fix the country? Isn't that what we democraaats are all about???

Just imagine a democraaat political whore being too aggressive.

Trump understands how they system works!
Go big and go bold!

A democraaat screw up like non other!

Sunday, March 26, 2023

"It's Just Ol' Joe'' Says Joe's Handlers : Sure He's Brain Dead, But Who Cares?

Teri Reid is going to testify before a committee in congress that she was sexually assaulted by Joe Biiyden. And if that wasn't enough to get him censored, impeached, then nothing else will. 

But then again, he is a democraaat like Bubba who was impeached for lying to congress, a grand jury and the American people and yet he walked away a hero!

But the proof concerning the sexual antics of this lunatic is legend but of no concern to the media or the feckless democraaat voters!

(Always vote for more of this and worse. More democraaats leading the country is a good thing, right??? What more could go wrong?)

Trump Brings The Heat! : He IS Still One Of Us!!

 After watching him last night in Texas on News Max, little is left to understand the man is really one of us and wants what's best for the country! His record of success is proof enough that he is up to the job!

Again, De Santis is a good man for the Republicans, but he is untried on the national scene. So, we have to consider him a ''Hope and Change'' guy. Which is okay. If he were the chosen candidate to face the criminal democraaats, I would vote for him in a heartbeat.

But we do have a incumbent that understands what is needed right now to save the country just like he did the last time in 2016. So, we don't need a 'hope and change person' right now, what we must have is a "Been there, Done That'' guy to bring the country back, AGAIN, from the edge of destruction!!

The proof is in actual results, not hopefully being optimistic about saving the country. We can't afford that.

The man has the tools to do the job and a record to prove it!

Landing On A Just A ''Spot'' With No Hook!! Amazing Small Aircraft Video!!

This is amazing but only in Dubi!


When Good Things Could Happen? : A 1947 Innovation! But A B-17?

 How cool is this? In 1947, Art Lacey purchased a B-17 bomber for $13,000 and flew it from Oklahoma to Troutdale. He then disassembled it, transported it covertly, and placed it atop his 48-pump gas station.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

A City With Guys In Mind for Speed Control : A Road Sign That Works!

 Innovation when it really is needed for safety of the unaware who might be lurking somewhere along the way.

Star Wars Remake Headed For Broadway : All New And Exciting!

 What exactly is the new normal? Ask any democraaat and they will tell you 'It's anything we want it to mean, and you had better like it!' 

So, what can we understand it to mean in the coming years if we all just stand down wringing our hands  saying ''Woe is me''!?

WOW!! First it was the Drag Queens introducing 
school children as young as 4 years old to queer sex
as normal behavior. Hey. what can go wrong with that?

But some find it ''too'' new! The average person is not ready for
the ''New Normal'' brought to us by democraaats!

Disney Remaking Old Favorites A Good Thing? : Maybe Not!

 This is the point of no return for Disney making ''remakes'' of old favorites to meet the needs of the ''New Morality''. The corruption at Disney and the Marxist liberated democraaats, the neo communists, to take total responsibility for destroying their heritage of clean entertainment for children and young adults.

The Monsters at Disney today are totally committed to their new task for ''fundamental change'' to the Americans dream. They make no effort to hide any longer what they want and believe to be the new order, the new concept of what is to be right and proper behavior from a national organization that was once understood to be family friendly.

But it no longer exists. The corruption is total! Marxist democraaats take control!