Thursday, October 22, 2020

Trumps Gets 4 Nobel Peace Nominations : So Far That Is!? Who Knew?

 Now it seems the news from the socialist leadership has decided that the Nobel people are not to be trusted like they have in the past when they were seen as visionaries by Marxist democraaats when Barrrrack Ogbjmma got the peace prize after only several months after he took office as president.

Who the hell are these people? Trump might get the prize like Barrrack got for being bigger the life itself and now Trump is being considered? Unacceptable!!

But then it shouldn't come as a surprise when we've seen no matter what the situation is, if it looks like the general narrative doesn't suit the progressive's agenda and ideology, they will attack those that have the audacity for have an opinion that is in conflict with the Marxists.

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