Friday, October 30, 2020

Joe Biden's "Trust Me" Statement Found Wanting : Vacant Truth, Bastardized Honor and Scrambled Integrity!

What exactly does Joe Biden bring to the table that we as citizen can understand? He says ''trust me!'' He was in government for 47 years and accomplished nothing and yet here he is being shown by his handlers to be the man to lead us for the next 4 years! Trust? But Why?

But think about this, as we have learned over the last week of revelations from Joe Biden's son's laptop had in for repairs, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden was taking  pay-offs in the $millions of dollars from the communist Chinese. He was receiving monies he got from Hunter Bidens effort to extort business deals with the Chinese and others.

This does not bode well for how Joe Biden will govern our country without the influence from the Chinese and many others that contributed to Hunter's enterprises raise money for the Biden family who will expect pay-backs!. 

Voting for Joe Biden is voting to allow the Chinese to take control of the world economy. What a coop for them that they have finally found a way to put into the office of the president of the United States one of their own!!

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