Monday, October 26, 2020

Big Government Takes - It Doesn't Give! : Winston Churchill Explains!

 This is something that most of us that have been paying attention to in our history and the result of those that proclaimed they have the best solution for the problem of prosperity for the middle classes and the disadvantaged, it's called progressive Marxist socialism, the communist ideology. They have failed to deliver every time. Puzzling though, millions of American citizen still vote for failure!

As the motto from their socialist, communist heros Karl Marx and his partner Fredrick Engles, "Each according to one needs and From each according to ones ability" as a base from which they are founded.

This is their philosophy, ideology and this is what they really believe, really believe they can do a better job then what all those that have gone before in history and failed.

But never fear, the leadership will never lose, they will continue as always to get more then their fair share of the spoils from a failed agenda that they promised would bring prosperity.

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