Monday, October 26, 2020

Cell Phone Use : Not Use, An Ideology For Destruction!

It's interesting that accessing your cell phone more the 50 times a day is okay. Communication is important in the process of maturation and becoming part of the larger civil society. That many people will not know who they are talking to, ever, is of no concern.  

The important thing is to know someone on the other end of a number recognizes their existence with a LOL! And now even with direct communication, face to face, if that ever happens again, no one will ever know if one of those people behind the Fauci masks is someone they have been texting is the same person.

And as we all should know by now the masks are not going away as is the demand for distancing of individuals, or the cell phone for that matter as new ones come out every 6 months. These are great tools for control from early child hood to produce people to readily agree to being separated from humanity as the new 'woke'' way of life. Never allow anyone to see your face or show your smile when attempting to make a face to face communication. Keep your distance. It's the fear of having to actually become a human being instead of a phone number.

You are now alone except for your contract numbers or with a government group advisor telling you when it okay to breath! You should feel very safe now!! What could be more important then feeling safe!!?? 

Isn't life grand! LOL!

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