Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Object of Clear Communication : The Truth Revealed!(Great Video)

Here is the ultimate message to make the objective of this election clear, crystal clear and meaningful to anyone that doubts the gravity of the situation that exist today in America. 

Truly, our very existence as a free nation is at stake! Who we are and what we believe is imporatnt in our lives, God family and country is on the cusp of being eliminated. 

Even the founding fathers so long ago couldn't have foreseen what is transpiring today as one of only two national political parties has decided to ''fundamentally'' change our civil society to where the individual no longer exists, but must accept the larger community as the purveyor of law and order. Everyone must obey those in power who control the levers that can and will be displayed if disobedience is found to exist.

This the new order of progressive socialist liberal Marxist democraaat agenda, the communist ideology must prevail if the next revolution to change America is to succeed against the fores of free markets and the individual freedom to chose.

Remember, ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose''. Once freedom and liberty are compromised, they are gone for ever!

Edmund Burk said, "For tyranny to succeed, all it takes is for good men to do nothing"!

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