Sunday, October 25, 2020

Joe Biden's Press Conference On Wuhan Virus : Confused, Befuddled and Confounded!(Video)

 Bill O'Reilly discusses the mental acuity of Joe Biden after a press conference in Michigan where Joe tries to explain deaths from the Wuhan thing. It's shameful that the progressive socialist Marxist democraaats would leave him out in the open to being held up for public ridicule. 

What purpose could they have for doing this? Is he just a throw-away knowing he will lose or if he wins they will dump him with the 25th amendment as they knew he was mentally incompetent from the beginning?

Is this the real face of the progressive democraaat Marxist collective? Who will vote for Joe knowing he could be leading our country from a hospital bed in at a long term hospice care?

Just think about all the early voters that have signed on for self destruction! Fools on parade!

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