Friday, October 30, 2020

The Question Is 'Who to Vote For'? : Are People Still Confused? What Are The Options!!!

 It is about personal safety and survival. In reality no one would vote for self destruction, right? Oh wait, that's not true, millions have willingly voted to be locked down indefinitely and their kids remain out of school for the foreseeable future.

How cool is that? Not only will you not only eat as the ecomoy will collapse as there are no one paying taxes, no one has a job, but if you live in the North, there's a good chance you will freeze to death or if you live in the South you might die for the heat as the progressive  socialist emocraaats that you voted for got rid of fossil fuel that we all must have, or it will so expensive only rich will have heat and cooling devices. 

No Jobs, no money, no cars and no medical care, The progressive socialist democraaats demand  open borders and where everyone gets free health care for all illegals, free education for eveyone and living expensive. 

How does that work? Who will pay the bill? "Trust me" is good enough to eat and keep from freezing to death?

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