Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Keeper of The Faith : Take Heart, God Sends His Messenger of Courage!


The good Lord understands we are in a crisis of such proportions that for many of us sleep is difficult, especially now that we are at a point in time where our very existence as a free nation is at stake.

Is this over the top? I don't thinks so as the progressive socialist liberal Marxist democraaats are in full flow, unabashedly telling us that our Constitution is not of any use any longer but needs to be rewritten or discarded entirely to better reflect what Karl Marx, the father of communism understood as providing a new way of life based on a central authority who will make all decisions for everyone.

Individual freedom will be a thing of the past. It will be shown that freedom caused too many problems leaving behind many who wont or can't compete in the Capitalist system. The Marx system of "Each according to ones need and From each according to ones ability'' will level the discrepancy between those that have and those that don't. Everyone will be no better then anyone else.

There will only two classes of people in our new and woke nation where those that hold the levers of power will be the upper class, privileged and resourceful, the progressive liberal Marxist democraaats, and a lower class consisting of  those destined to work on the farms and industry to provide for the needs of everyone. And of course you will happy to do so as there are no other options other then being forced to attend reeducation classes.

What a grand system. All that's necessary to get along is to go along. Simply, all you need is to obey the rules set forth by the ruling class for survival. 

(But not to worry, you will still have your phone by your side even though there won't be anything on it that isn't approved by the Marxist law! You must understand, it's only for your own good!)

So vote for self destruction. Vote for progressive Joe Biden and the Marxist socialists handlers now and until November 3rd. Rejoice in the knowledge it probably will be the last time you will be able to vote at all for anything! What can go wrong? 

''When ignorance is bliss, tils folly to be wise"!!!

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